Jigsaw puzzles

All the kids in our family get their names in a jigsaw puzzle and we have quite a selection of picture puzzles.

  1. Start with 2 pieces of 1/4" oe 3/16" hardwood plywood.
  2. Trace the puzzle design on to the top piece.
  3. Cut in from the closest edge to the fiqure at an oblique angle then follow all the outlines making additional access cuts as needed.
  4. Pop the pieces out and sand the outside edge of each, and the inside edge of the puzzle so that the pieces freely pop in and fall out if the pieces is inverted.
  5. Glue the top cuttout board to the back board. Carefully locate any islands that it into holes on the pieces. Place a flat board on top and weight it down till it dries.
  6. Check that all the pieces still fit easily make additional sanding adjustments.
  7. Paint the pieces and background with acrylic paint.

